升级ESXI到最新的6.7 U3版本

目前使用的esxi版本是差不多一年前的版本,前段时间esxi出了6.7 Update3,关于u3版本的新特征,可以看这里,貌似CPU利用率有提升?所以打算升级下,网上搜索了下文章,很容易。现在将升级过程罗列如下:

VMware官方文档指出,想升级到esxi 6.7 u3,目前你使用的esxi最低版本必须是6.0,低于此版本的必须先升级到6.0,然后再升级到6.7 u3。
you can only upgrade esxi to 6.7 u3 if the esxi you’re running is 6.0 or above. Anything older than 6.0, you’ll need to upgrade to 6.0 first, and then do a second upgrade to 6.7 u3.



Before you start, take a look at esxi 6.7 update 3 new fetures. Navigate to https://my.vmware.com, log in with your account, and download the latest version of esxi.

选择上面的红框标注的位置 chose and click the marked link
选择esxi 然后点击下面的search, choose esxi and then search
找到最新版本 下载 find and download the latest version
将下载的安装包上传到esxi后台 upload the esxi package to esxi storage
打开esxi的SSH权限 enable the esxi ssh
使用ssh工具登陆esxi后台 找到升级包存放的位置 connect esxi through SSH and locate the package you just uploaded
将esxi设为维护模式 之前需要关闭所有的虚拟机电源 put the esxi into maintenance mode, poweroff all your VMs before you do that

运行的命令为:esxcli software vib update -d “升级包的路径及文件名”, 可以按tab键补齐

我这里的命令是: esxcli software vib update -d “/vmfs/volumes/1T/tmp/update-from-esxi6.7-6.7_update03.zip”

issue the command above, change the path of your esxi package accordingly

运行命令 几分钟后会有结果提示升级成功 然后reboot机器
2 or 3 minutes later, the update should completed successfully, then reboot.
after the reboot completed, log into esxi, quit the maintenance mode, and you’ll noticed the version number has changed to the newest.


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